Myoporaceae (Eremophila & Myoporum)
Genera: Eremophila, Myoporum
Vouchers: M. montanum JAB101, E. longifolia JAB106, JAB114, E. bignoniiflora JAB129, E. macgillivrayi JAB140, E. freelingii JAB152, E. sturtii JAB167, JAB168, E. duttonii JAB175, E. polyclada JAB181
Family: Myoporaceae
General features: Density 800-1100 kg/m3. Where present or discernible, heartwood is brown and darker than sapwood. Odour present on Eremophila specimens where visually distinct heartwood represented; when present, odour is lemon-scented.
Microscopic features:
Vessels Tangential vessel diameter: range 10-66 µm; mean 24 µm; SD 10 µm; average maximum 23-49 µm; n = 2255 vessels. Vessels per square millimetre: range 75-399 vessels per mm2; n = 38 sampled areas. Vessels arranged in chains of radial multiples usually with 4 or more vessels; some clusters may be present. Perforation plates simple with prominent rim.
Fibres May be angular.
Axial parenchyma Axial parenchyma paratracheal and scanty to vasicentric, sometimes tending towards aliform. Marginal bands present or absent.
Rays Rays 1-3 cells wide with uniseriate rays present (n = 891 rays). Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels. Rays 4-18 per tangential mm (n = 55 sampled areas). Ray height: range 52-418 µm; mean 167 µm; SD 59 µm; n = 647 rays. Rays heterocellular or homocellular? Silica present in rays.
Helical thickenings Present and absent.
Physical and chemical tests: Chrome azurol-s test negative. Heartwood fluorescence absent or weakly present. Froth test weakly positive to positive. Ethanol extract fluorescence absent or present (green). Ethanol extract colourless or discoloured. Water extract colourless or discoloured. Water extract fluorescent.